
The Carnaby Collection draws inspiration from the music, art and fashion of the 1960s and ‘70s, featuring original designs of this period from the Liberty Archive. Influenced by a colourful patchwork that was painted on Carnaby Street’s pavement during the 1970s, prints reflect the free-spirited, optimistic mood of that era.

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Bloomsbury Blossom A
Bloomsbury Blossom B
Bloomsbury Silhouette
Bohemian Bloom A
Carnation Carnival B
Cosmos Cloud A
Cosmos Cloud B
Daisy Dot A
Daisy Dot B
Daisy Dot C
Fluttering Floral A
Fluttering Floral B
Paradise Petals A
Paradise Petals B
Picadilly Poppy A
Picadilly Poppy B
Picadilly Poppy C
Piccadilly Poppy F
Portobello Paisley A
Portobello Paisley B
Portobello Paisley C
Portobello Paisley D
Soho Stripe A
Soho Stripe B
Soho Stripe C
Sunny Afternoon A
Sunny Afternoon B
Suny Afternoon C
Westbourne Posy A
Westbourne Posy B
Westbourne Posy C
Westbourne Posy D